What is Rotary?
Worldwide organization of business/professional leaders
Provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, helps build goodwill and peace in the world
Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians in 34,000 clubs throughout more than 200 countries
Started by Paul Harris a Chicago Lawyer
What is Rotaract?
International organization of service clubs for those aged 18-30 (students and young professionals)
One of Rotary’s most significant and fastest-growing service programs at 220,000 members, with more than 9,539 clubs in about 178 countries
How does Rotaract work?
All efforts begin at local level with members addressing communities’ physical/social needs while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service
Provide opportunities for networking, community/international service, professional development, and socializing
Follow Rotaract by-laws, constitution, and RI objectives
Can host Rotaracters who visit, likewise we can travel and be hosted
Benefits of Joining
Commit to doing good in your community, region, country, and the world
Develop professional and leadership skills
Meet other students and young professionals
Learn more about the value, power, and leverage of belonging to Rotary
Gain experience, build your resume, and build confidence!
Travel (GSE/VTT, RYLA, Interota, Intl. Convention)
Win scholarships for studying abroad (Ambassadorial Scholarship)
Access worldwide network of business/professional leaders and opportunity to work directly with them
Develop knowledge/ understanding of needs, problems, opportunities in our community and worldwide
Build lasting friendships
Rotaract Project Base
Community Service: Volunteer in community (Park Clean-Up, etc.)
International Service: Service projects helping those in other countries (PolioPlus, Shelterbox, etc.)
Fundraising: Small activities to raise money for various, member-chosen charitable organizations
Professional Development: Projects/events aimed at offering leadership roles, professional guidance, and networking opportunities to strengthen skills and core values (Professional Development Night, RYLA, Rotary Conferences)
What Membership Looks Like
Attend meetings
Volunteer at events
Benefit from Guest Speakers
Meet new people and Network
Join a committee!
General meetings 2x a month
Help plan events
Promote our club and events
Gain valuable experience
Thank you for considering the Hamilton Community Rotaract Club!