The plant sale was such a success we have decided to make it an annual fundraiser, so stay tuned for more goodies available next spring.
We donated $500 of the proceeds to Polio Plus, an organization with one BIG goal: eradicate polio from the Earth. Our funds were matched dollar for dollar by Rotary District 7090 and then matched AGAIN by the Bill & Linda Gates Foundation. The total donated towards this noble goal was $2000!
You can learn more about Polio Plus here: https://www.rotary.org/en/plus-polioplus
But that's not all folks, we also teamed up with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority & District 7090 Rotarians and Rotaractors to plant 300 trees at Binbrook Conservation Area. All of the donations helped us increase their total new trees planted to 6000!
HCR Club members Lisa & Bashi get a good workout in planting trees and Matt Falcone our past District Rotary Representative even made the trip from the US to join us: pick-axe in hand of course.